Showing posts from 2013
Preparing natural hair for bed?? What to do (+playlist)
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I'm obsessed with make-up | 97 BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE/HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY | OLD S...
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3 Braid Tutorial (Protective style) very quick messy and cute
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Leopard Look with (Leopard HATS) YAY!!!! Fun (+playlist)
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(Product review ) Body Butter by - Naturally Clean Skin
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My Injoy Soapwork Goodies (((GIVEAWAY))) USA, Canada & UK
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Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Thankful for you :) (+playlist)
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Two Strand Twist and Twist Out On Natural Hair- Faridah (+playlist)
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Protective styling wig (Cold Weather Ready) (+playlist)
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Cold Fall Poems
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Every season has its special beauty and autumn is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. One can almost be blinded by the fiery brilliance. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing that the changing colors foreshadow the arrival of a long cold winter.
Naturalistic Can anybody help me?? What is my hair type?? (+playlist)
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Material possesion
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Possession of material which is without in a piece is like dying of thirst while bathing in the river - Paramhansa Proverb Howard Hughes is a classic example of what it is like to gain wealth and lose your soul. He and many others like him should reinforce the idea that money cannot buy happiness peace or help. This seems to be a contradiction. On the one hand you need money to get the things that will make it peaceful happy and healthy. On the other hand the pursuit of money can bankrupt your mind body and spirit. What is a person to do? Do not chase money! Do what you do using your talents and abilities because it makes you happy. Do not do things for money only! In everything you do have a purpose principal or ideal that you hold dear I will not compromise if the price is right. You things to help people do not use people to get things if what you want or what you are doing is not the highest and the best for everyone involved leave it alone. AFFIRM:::: prosperous prospering peace i...
Share from fb by Tavia Rose
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Hello..i wanted to take some time and offer some words..maybe for inspiration..maybe to reach someone. We all know black women's hair is a major topic for a lot of people. Being matter how you wear it is about embracing who you are and loving yourself for it. Its about having versatility with your crown of glory and being blessed to have hair growing out your head because some are less fortunate in the area. This page and others like it offer an area for advice..for sisterhood, for respect, and for showing off all that work you are putting into yourself. Lately, I've been seeing a bit of negativity..and I'm wondering Why would you be negative with a person that is going through the same struggle you have everyday. Giving advice and constructive criticism is wonderful if you may have an idea to share. But if you are going to be negative you should learn that TACT is more important...SISTERHOOD is more important than your readily available negative opinion. Most w...
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There is beauty in every day regardless of the obstacles which may face in your journeys throughout the day. Why should you wake to the realization that the world is beautiful as are you? What is it about your thinking that prevents you from accepting the beautiful of self and the world around? With so many man made and self chosen frustrations at some point you have to let go of it all to live and know that life is your natural born blessing and you are free as you chose to be. Chose freedom over conformity, your thoughts only control you when you allow them to do so, dictate your pace and be who you wish to be by culling inner and outer negativity from your life
Words are powerful
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Good morning/afternoon to everyone. Remember never claim anything you don't want! Problems, sickness, bad situations (Financial, spiritual, relationship, career, etc). Once you say MY, I HAVE A, & etc, you have taken ownership and you claim that negative part your dealing with. Your words are power, and don't speak negativity in your life. Speak of overcoming, and power back in your life. Regardless if your reach that point yet. #WordsArePower
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If you are an EAGLE SOAR............If you are an BIRD FLY................. If you a an QUEEN RULE............... If you are DUCK QUACK................... My point is whatever you see yourself as you can be. No matter what anybody says you are what you strive to be nothing more nothing less. Strive harder to reach your goals nothing comes to you unless you seek ask and search. For every action there is a reaction in knowing that what will you choose to do?? With your life with your children's life? Be the change you desire to see and start today!!! Don't Delay don't wait Ready set go!!!
Positive outlook
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Good Morning, I hope everyone slept well. I feel pretty good, refreshed and Thankful to be alive at this moment in time. Having a positive outlook on life can surely start to change your path or direction. Some people go through a little bit of something and look like a tornado hit them. Pick yourself up and keep moving. We all fall down but you must get right back up! Only the strong survive and the weak bicker. Glad I don't look like what I've been through.....................Th e Highs the lows of life....Fighter for life!! Motivated from the inside out Great Day!!
Don't enable people to treat you bad
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I have a hard time feeling sorry for enablers. If you allow someone to treat you a certain way they will in relationships, with your children, with business partners etc. I say to all people hurting from being used abused and misused. Don't Allow it otherwise it is considered self inflicted pain. If you don't STAND for something you will fall for anything. Respect yourself! Love yourself! Never Settle for less you are THE BEST Winks!! Oh yeah stop complaining about Bill Paul and Tyrone you let them do it to you. Happy Monday Be Blessed and be a blessing.......................No one really listens UNTIL your actions take a stand!!!!! They speak louder Spoken from a reformed enabler
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At what point do Adults take responsibility for their actions?? We all can look at our lives and blame others for our shortcomings or failures. The day I started to accept responsibility for my actions was the day my stock went up. At that point I realized that the choices I make has a DIRECT impact on my life my success my children my community my race my gender and as a person PERIOD! Change your mind change your life. Weak thoughts produce negativity hurts confusion failure. Positive thoughts and a strong mind produce Leadership success happiness and fruit............Winks
DIY: Avocado and Banana Hair Mask/Demo and Review(TWA Edition)
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What Tribe My Ancestor are from?? Gio Tribe
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Gio Tribe: People of Africa Location: Northeastern Liberia and in Ivory Coast , Africa Population: 151,600 Language: Mande language that has many different accents. Neighboring Peoples: Types of Art: History: Centuries ago the Gio migrated from present-day Guinea and Mali into their current locations in Liberia and Ivory Coast. For many years, the Gio fought with the surrounding peoples and were proud of their fierce, war-like reputation. Along with their Mande-speaking neighbors, the Gio invaded the coastal region, replacing some of the African tribes along the Atlantic coast and pushing back the Kru. After Liberia became a nation in 1847, the new government in Monrovia began pacifying these warring peoples. By the early 1900's, peace had been achieved, and administrative controls had been established. Economy: The Gio are primarily farmers, annually clearing the forest land to grow their crops. They cultivate staple cr...
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Queen of Sheba!!!! I find it very ironic of what I see when I research Queen's born and ruled in Africa. However, I truly now see why some were meant to rule and some were meant to be peasants. The Queen helps build the empire by balancing her King. She generally have more power then the King because she determines War or Peace starting in her own Kingdom. I remember as a child My Father taking me to see REAL PYRAMIDS and seeing the energy that was produced from the sun into the Pyramids. My Life was forever changed thankful for that experience!!! Everybody can't be Queens, won't recognize their Queenship Or Walk into their Destiny...................................... Good Night Peeps!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
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Drinking some Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with Spring Water. I seem to feel pretty good so far. I feel it cleansing my insides. I hear cancer can't live in acid Apple cider vinegar helps tummy troubles. Apple cider vinegar will balance your entire inner body system. It can help you detox.As part of balancing the body's pH, apple cider vinegar creates an overall detoxification of the body. Res earch shows that it can help stimulate cardiovascular circulation and help detoxify the liver. I'm Happy ACV is great for your lymphatic system. This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches. It can help your body get rid of candida. This...
Resentments is bondage
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RESENTMENT- is the experience of a negative emotion (anger or hatred, for instance) felt as a result of a real or imagined wrong ...When you have a resentment, a major part of you closes down. You become bitter and less able to express your love. You lose your aliveness and your joy for life. You put up walls of protection and you make your life more difficult. Letting go of a resentment is not for the benefit of the other person. Letting go of a resentment is for you. When you resent someone, you are saying very forcefully, that the other person is the problem, the cause and the fault. Not you. You forcefully blame the other person so you don't have to look at yourself. If you looked at yourself, you would have to experience all the hurt from what happened. You would have to feel all the hurt of being not good enough, not worth loving or some other form of not okay. To avoid this hurt, you resent. The first step in releasing a resentment is to be willing to feel this ...
Self Love & Relationships
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I will begin by saying A Healthy Friendship/Relationship should consist of several vital factors in my view of course :) Mutual RESPECT is HUGE for me why?Because I'm a CAPRICORN & we don't play that! Joke. Respect in a relationship means that each person VALUES who the other IS and UNDERSTANDS — and would never challenge — the other person's BOUNDARIES. Vitally important to me! TRUST. Yeah the old T word. It's OK to get a little jealous sometimes — jealousy is a natural emotion & a wasted on but hey to each it's own. But how a person reacts when feeling jealous is what MATTERS. There's no way you can have a healthy relationship if you don't trust each other. If I can't Trust you with My Life My Health My Heart or My Mind lets not even be Friends. I desire Trust even though I really only Trust God. The confidence in my friend in my partner should be there. HONESTY. Honesty goes hand in hand with Trust. I need to Trust that you honesty have n...
Mother = Queen
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I must admit my greatest joy is being a Mother. When I look at my children I see the greater reflection of myself. My Daughter is ten times the girl I was. Thankful and showing my boys how to respect and properly treat a woman. If I never experienced being a mother I'm sure I would be selfish because being a mother is one of the most unselfish things you can do. If I couldn't naturally have children I'm sure I would adopt a little blessing. I love and appreciate my little blessings around me. I pray for their protection provision and prosperity for years to come...............A mothers thoughts My thoughts inner thoughts
Being Patient with hair growth!
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Being Patient with your hair growth is one of the most important things you can do! We all would like to see growth but more importantly is the health of ones hair and overall health. How many of you naturals check your length each day??? I do but I see growth not much but the average head grows 1/2 inch each month. Drink Water Eat Healthy Keep Hair Moisturized!! You will get there :)