Share from fb by Tavia Rose

Hello..i wanted to take some time and offer some words..maybe for inspiration..maybe to reach someone. We all know black women's hair is a major topic for a lot of people. Being matter how you wear it is about embracing who you are and loving yourself for it. Its about having versatility with your crown of glory and being blessed to have hair growing out your head because some are less fortunate in the area. This page and others like it offer an area for advice..for sisterhood, for respect, and for showing off all that work you are putting into yourself. Lately, I've been seeing a bit of negativity..and I'm wondering Why would you be negative with a person that is going through the same struggle you have everyday. Giving advice and constructive criticism is wonderful if you may have an idea to share. But if you are going to be negative you should learn that TACT is more important...SISTERHOOD is more important than your readily available negative opinion. Most who spend time on negativity have deep rooted shame in themselves..get to know our sisters..get to know their women have to rise to the occasion of being and doing better...natural hair is have versatility is to be innovative and unique..stop the Hating..and spread the Love.. -Tavia Rose 


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