Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking some Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with Spring Water. I seem to feel pretty good so far. I feel it cleansing my insides. I hear cancer can't live in acid Apple cider vinegar helps tummy troubles. Apple cider vinegar will balance your entire inner body system. It can help you detox.As part of balancing the body's pH, apple cider vinegar creates an overall detoxification of the body. Research shows that it can help stimulate cardiovascular circulation and help detoxify the liver. I'm Happy 

ACV is great for your lymphatic system.
This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches.

It can help your body get rid of candida.
This vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can help rid your body of candida—yeasts that are attributed to thrush in humans. Candida also is blamed for creating symptoms of fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings, and yeast infections.


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